Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Star Wars Geeks - Not

Sure I watch Star Wars when I was a kid. Mica and Isaak haven't gotten into it. We tried. They lost interest fast.

Mica had a play date last night. His friend brought over Star Wars characters. He knew all their names. Mica played with them. He seems to show more interest in the toys than he did the movies. I was listening to Mica play with his friend's Star Wars characters and this is what I heard:

"Where's Yoga?"

He's probably heard us talk about yoga more than Yoda.

Next I heard, "I want to play with the bad guy Dark Vator."



  1. ha ha ha...
    i know nothing about it and can never remember the difference between star wars and star trek...
    oh well, can't like everything

  2. At first I was thinking "Is it Yoga? or Yoda?" Haha. My hubby is a HUGE Star Wars geek. I have seen them all but definitely not a geek like he is :)

  3. May the force be with you, and him:).

  4. This is so cute! I love to see the things they get into.

  5. Hahaha! I had a HUGE crush on Han Solo as a kid. Ash is totally into She-Ra right now (thanks to instant play on netflix) and it's kinda fun to see since my brother and I were obsessed with He-Man and She-Ra, once upon a time. :)


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