Sunday, August 19, 2012

Birthday Party, Cheese Cake, Jelly Bean, BOOM!

Whenever I go to birthday parties, or host birthday parties I think of the REM song It's the End of the World as We Know It. Birthday parties are not the end of the world, it's just that the lyrics "Birthday Party, Cheese Cake, Jelly Bean, BOOM!" are in the song. It used to be my goal to learn the words to that fast song; it didn't happen. I did learn those words though.

Mica and Isaak had a fun time bouncing and jumping in a foam pit at a birthday party.

Daddy picked out a loom for the little girl. She picked to open Mica's gift first. When the card sang, she got a huge smile on her face. Mica was glad she picked his present. Then he was jealous that someone got her a bigger package than we did. Silly kid!


  1. That is one huge foam pit... the kids could get lost in there.

    Silly Mica, bigger isn't always better.

  2. that is cool.
    we took broxton somewhere with a ball pit and he got in trouble for jumping in it.. i was like, what is it for then? lol... that foam looks like loads of fun


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