Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. 

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. It may or may not include words. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

This week I thought I'd secretly let Daddy pick. He didn't know he was picking a song for this week. I just heard him say, "I downloaded this band that I really like. It reminds me of Bjork." I of course love Bjork. She is different and so is this band. This band reminds me of the band Sugar Cubes before Bjork became a solo artist. The band is called Rubblebucket. They are a little out there, I'm a little out there, therefore I like out there things.

Come Out of a Lady

Rubblebucket came out of Brooklyn, has been on Jimmy Kimmel and is on tour throughout the US now.


  1. I have never heard that song. I bet they had fun doing that video with their head sticking out ... Looks like they went through a lot of work for that one video.


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