Monday, September 10, 2012

All We Needed Was New Soap

A few days ago we ran out of hand soap. Well I've been buying refill soap for quite some time now. Our soap bottle hasn't changed in a long time. I've been trying to be more green. I suppose if I was really green I'd make my own soap, or buy organic. No one is perfect. I have to say that I'm one of those consumers that get locked into sales and coupons so much. We love coupons. Isaak's job is to cut them. Then the boys each get coupons to look for items in the store. It makes the shopping experience so much better because they have something to do. Daddy tends to roll his eyes at coupons.

I decided to change soap bottles. I cleaned the old one over and over again on the outside. It was time for something new.

Daddy changed it out. This made for one happy little kid! Isaak was so excited to be washing with new soap.

Isaak said, "WOW this is blue! I love blue! Where did you get this Mommy?" 

Before I could answer he kept on talking.

Isaak then said, "Oh WOW it has speckles in it to. That's so COOL Mom!" 

It's the little things that make me smile. 


  1. I kinda get excited about fresh soap containers too! I refill them for a while like you do though.

  2. He is so cute! LoL... Too bad adults don't have the AWE of a child.

  3. Fresh soap containers get me excited too!!

    Happy Monday, A!

  4. that is too cute ;)
    I do like the sea mineral though...
    meaning, i would like to try it :)

  5. It is kind of like opening a new tube of toothpaste, the first brushing always makes my mouth feel cleaner than the old one.

  6. I think it was very green of you to reuse the same bottle! Keeps more out of landfills! We purchased one that we like from Target then refill it as needed but still not as green as what you did.


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