Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How Do You Remember People?

My Grandma passed away last week. I wrote a post about my memories of her. The good memories. I posted about what I remember before she got sick with Alzheimer's disease. I was hoping some of my family members would read it. I think we got so hung up on taking care of someone that forgot who we even were, we were ready for her to pass. We didn't like seeing her suffer. Remembering her for who she was, is important to me.

As it turns out my Mom wants a copy of my post to be at the funeral tomorrow. My sister Terra added additional memories.

We had to skip out on the wake. The small town has a fall festival going on. Only 5 hotel rooms were available due to a cancellation. My Mom, my Aunts and my cousin coming from a ways away need the rooms. My Grandpa is staying with his brother that lives there. 

My sister Terra reminded me that Grandma always had hard candy that she offered to us in the car.  Her favorites were coffee candy and rootbeer cany.

I bought something I haven't bought in years (hard candy, the coffee kind to be exact) just to bring for the funeral. It's not the same brand that she used to buy. I wasn't going to drive all over town looking for candy. I'll offer one to my cousins. We'll see if they remember Grandma's coffee candy. We're the older cousins, so I'm not sure what the others will remember.

As far as coffee candy goes, people either love it, or hate it. Like I said, I just don't buy that kind of stuff, but I have had it and I love it. Maybe I love it because it reminds me of Grandma. Maybe I loved it as a kid because I felt like a grown up having coffee candy instead of coffee the drink. It was a sophisticated treat for a kid.

Hard Candy, Coffee

So what do you do to remember people? Do you look at old photos, read old letters, stash thing that they used to have, or something else?


  1. So sorry to hear about your grandma's passing. May she rest in peace.

    Photos, old letters, some foods - they all are reminders of loved ones.

    Happy Thursday, A!

  2. i love photos and letters.. guess that is why i keep all of them :)
    for my nana... i remember her always having the chocolate covered creams...
    i want some now :)
    hugs to you during this time..

  3. How great that your post will be at the funeral home. Your Mom must have thought it was great. Memories are a wonderful thing... especially the good ones

  4. When my Mother died, it was a bad time for me. I could not believe that when I looked around me "Life went on". It seemed to just stop for me.

    As time went by I coped much better. My Mom used to love crows and had a pet crow at one point when I was young. Now when I see a crow, I think good thoughts of my Mother. I know it is strange.... but works for me.

  5. so sorry to hear about your grandma. I always associate my grandma with food (she loves feeding people), rose perfume, and expensive creams (she is very particular about taking care of her skin)!


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