Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. 

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. It may or may not include words. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

We have a station here that plays newish music. I was listening to it yesterday. One song came on that I liked. I'm not sure if it's a well known song or not. I have never heard of it. The bands name is Of Monsters and Men.

I just love bands that play a variety of instruments. I also love different sounding voices. This band has both!

Of Monsters and Men are a band of day dreamers who craft, folk, pop songs.

Nanna, who began as the acoustic act Songbird, recruited extra hands to bolster her sound for a solo show. She liked how her vocals commingled with Raggi’s, so they started writing songs together and in 2010 morphed into Of Monsters and Men.  Some occasions, they cut out animal masks for the audience to wear, making them makeshift monster-men/women. “Iceland can be a very isolated country and that translates to the music," Nanna says, adding,"We get stuck in our little world".

King and Lionheart

Mountain Sound

Little Talks - They disabled their video for embedding, but it's so cool! Check it out here.

If you like them, they are playing in the US. You can find their tour dates here.


  1. Ooooo, I like! Thanks for sharing these. =)

    Have you heard The Head and The Heart? You can find them on youtube.

  2. Very cool. I've never heard of this boys can't get past Big Time Rush and One Direction long enough for anything else.

  3. Very cool!! I should listen to music more often, I just don't seem to take the time. When we travel, we listen to books that are taped to pass the time.


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