Monday, November 12, 2012

Not All is Grumps and Distruction

Even though Isaak ransacked his room this weekend; Isaak did have his positive notes as well. He did help in the kitchen and played well outside when Daddy mowed.

Check out his funny joke. Just in case you can't understand him through the jumping and high pitched voice it goes like this: "Why was 6 afraid of 7?" Answer: "Because 7 ate 9."


  1. Isaak is real cute Alissa! I like the joke about 6 & 7! A good week to you and your family.

  2. LOL.... Those jokes are ageless. I think we all told them when we were young. He so cute and hoppy.

  3. *Giggle*

    That one's been going around my house, too!! LOL!


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