Thursday, December 27, 2012

An Item is Being Shipped to My Home Twice?

Early in November I ordered Isaak this puzzle from Frecklebox:

I got it way before Christmas. Isaak loved it. A bad picture, but here he is opening it. He even claims he's keeping the stuffing in the box because it's, "So soft!" -His words.

Today I got an email saying that my item I ordered on November 9 is being shipped out today. It had a picture of Isaak's little robot puzzle.

I emailed them telling them that I already got the puzzle. I hope I'm not being charged twice for it; or they are going through the work of making it twice. They of course haven't had time to respond back.

Has anything like this ever happened to you?


  1. I've had them accidentally send two in the same box and then they just told me to keep the second one because it probably would have cost them more to send for it.

  2. My fingers are crossed they haven't charged you twice!

  3. That has happened to me a couple of times and I've never been charged for the second item.

  4. I had a company accidentally send me $100 worth of underwear I didn't order, on top of what I did order. I emailed them but they never responded, and they never charged me for it. I ended up giving it to my grandmother, because it was Granny panties, LOL!

  5. I have had the wrong item sent.. and them tell me to keep it.. but not the same thing twice...

  6. well if they charge you twice, they should refund immediately, make sure you check your account for correct transactions!

  7. I recently received a duplicate item. The company wanted me to send the second one back at my expense, and I told them to send me a pre-paid label (it was heavy and would have cost a bit to mail, lol!).

    They told me to just keep it, but they didn't seem overly happy about it.


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