Thursday, December 6, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

This time of year is crazy busy. does anyone else feel that way? Since I was sick last week, I've been playing catch up this week.

It's finals time at school. All the students projects were due this week. Next week are the exams.

For some reason Mica's school decided it would be a great idea having their holiday program smack dab in the middle of the day. Last year it landed on one of my class days; when the students had a final. This year it's later.

This year Isaak's preschool program is smack dab in the middle of my mandatory inservice meeting. Of course it doesn't help that he's sensitive and going through some stranger anxiety thing. I asked to the time off and attached a letter begging for the time off. I haven't gotten the time out form back, so I'll see if it happens. Otherwise just Daddy will have to go. Since he's in two preschools he has another program that same night. I will be able to go to that.


  1. I hope they let you off so you can go!

  2. It's crazy busy for us around here, too. Between school stuff, work, life in general....

    Then my 8 year old was close to being elidgible to advance in karate, but he has to attend EVERY class this week and next to make sure he has enough classes in to get his belt. He is still going to end up being one short, but they are letting it slide - but that means I have to get him there five times this week and next instead of the usualy 2 or maybe 3. Like I don't have enough to do LOL.

  3. Oh I hope you get to go! Glad you're feeling better!


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