Monday, December 24, 2012

Off to Urgent Care

Mica woke up this morning saying, "My ear really hurts and I can't sleep!" I got the Neti Pot out to clear him out. He felt better. Then around 11 he was complaining about his ear once again.

His doctor's office was open until 12. They were booked. I had to leave a message with the nurse.

We decided to just take him to Urgent Care. He has an ear infection. I knew something was wrong. Mica is very tolerant to paint. Isaak on the other hand whines when nothing is wrong, and tells people he's a sick for a week after getting all better.

What is it about the holidays? It seems always one kid gets sick. On Thanksgiving it was Strep Throat. Last year we all had the tummy bug.


  1. I hope Mica will be fully recovered real soon! Merry Christmas to you and your family Alissa!

  2. My little one is on the last of his antibiotics for an ear infection. He had a temp. of 102.9 when we got a special appt. to the pediatrician.

    It's awful when they hurt and we can't help. Thankfully the ear infections clear up quickly when treated!

    I hope all is back to normal quickly for your son.

  3. Hope he's feeling better. There is nothing worse than being sick for Christmas.

  4. Feel better soon Mica! My yougest seems to get someting around Christmas too. Usually an ear infection.

  5. Well, that's no fun! Ear pain is some of the worst, in my opinion! Hope he is feeling better by now!

  6. hope hes getting better soon.
    our Christmas Eve morning was spent at the ped. office too, ear infection from a nasty cold.. so yep, Broxton is on antibiotics :)


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