Saturday, December 1, 2012

Oh So Sleepy

Grandma and Grandpa have given up on having Isaak lay down for a nap. I don't blame them, I don't have him nap all the time either.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Isaak looked like this by the time we got home at 5:30:

Oh and it looks like I need to check little man's work with buckling. He insists on doing it. I have to say it's a lot easier to have him do it. The lower belt is over the handle and the upper belt is not in the slot.

Whenever I turned on the radio, or started asking him questions about his day he said, "Mommy I'm tired. Can we just be quiet?" This is coming from Mr. Jabber Mouth himself.

On the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house on Friday Isaak was singing Christmas songs. I started singing along. It was a week after all that I couldn't sing from being sick. I had just gotten back my singing voice (sort of). I was excited to sing. That was until he said, "Don't sing Mommy! That's the song I know. You don't go to preschool, so you don't know them." I tried telling him otherwise, but he wouldn't have it. He was convinced that these songs were his.


  1. Hahaha - that's cute. Usually my kids are telling me not to sing because I stink at singing LMAO.

  2. What a stinker. I have so many pics of the same thing happening to my 3 yo. She too asks me not to sing but at least a few times in there she will. Like when she wants to stay up later :)

  3. Oh what angels they look like when they sleep.

  4. So glad to hear I'm not the only one w/a child who tells me not to sing, lol.

  5. if that is 5:30, did he stay asleep for the night, or how did that work?


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