Tuesday, December 18, 2012

So...He Likes Father's Day

Isaak's said on more than one occasion that he likes Father's Day way more than Christmas.

Daddy said, "Are you sure you like Father's Day more than Christmas?"

Isaak said, "Yes I do!"

Daddy said, "Are you sure you like Father's Day more than Mother's Day?"

Isaak said, "Yes I like Father's Day more than any other holiday."

I wonder if any other four year olds like Father's Day over any other holiday?


  1. Did he say why he likes Father's Day better? Does he realize that he doesn't get presents on Father's Day LOL?

  2. I wonder why he loves that holiday more...

  3. Wow, really? I wonder why?

  4. I have no clue why he likes it more. He's 4, so not much backing up of why. Silly kid.


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