Saturday, February 18, 2012

Painful Tears

At 2 AM Daddy woke up to crying. Mica just doesn't cry a lot. He's been sick with a cold. Well it was Mica that was crying. He said that his left ear hurt really bad. Daddy gave him some ibuprofen, cuddled with him and went back to bed.

Mica woke up in the morning complaining about his ear again. Daddy called the doctor's office, which is open from 10 to 12 on Saturdays. The nurse said to go in. I took him across town and the nurse at the desk said that we would have to make an appointment for later that morning.

We killed some time going to Build a Bear. The boys enjoyed it. We ate. Then were on our way back to the doctor's office.

Mica was in pain by that time. He was cuddling with me, and laid down when he got into the doctor's office. His lymph nodes are swollen, his left ear is super infected, he's whiter then usual, more emotional then usual and he's sleepy. The doctor put him on antibiotics and ear drops because his ear was so red.

The image Mica drew for the doc. It's a future drawing of himself.
We drove back across town, stopped to pick up his meds, had a 15 min wait and left with only his antibiotics. The nurse forgot to call in his drops. Mica was crying the whole 15 min and all the way home because he was in so much pain. It was too early to give him ibuprofen. He drifted off to sleep the moment we got home. I gave him his antibiotic, it was then time for his ibuprofen and I put a warm pack on his ear. His drops did come in. I didn't want to leave with a boy in pain. Daddy saved the day by leaving work to go get his drops.

Mica's been sleeping all afternoon. Poor kid! This could be part of why he was overly emotional the other night, or he could of just been tired.

A lot went wrong today. I am grateful that the boys have a doctor's office that is open Saturday mornings. I'm also grateful for Urgent Care.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life is so Emotional Baby!

Tonight had it's highs and lows. Mica got invited to a friends house after school. was to a girl's house, the one he has a crush on. They enjoy playing together. Daddy went along because they invited him to. They had fun.

What that meant for me? Well I had trouble in traffic. Then I got home after getting Isaak and had to make dinner ASAP. All while Isaak was yelling out, "Mommy help me!" I kept saying back, "Isaak if you want to go to the Y tonight, you have to let Mommy make dinner! Find something to do that doesn't require my help." So what does Isaak do? He brings his Thomas trains in the kitchen to play under my feet. :) Kids!

Daddy and Mica got home, we ate and got ready to go the the Y. Mica cried because he couldn't get his shoes tied.

We had fun at the Y. We played a racing game and then scooter soccer. Daddy left early to go figure drawing downtown. When it was time to leave I called both boys over to get a drink of water. Isaak ran over and Mica next. Mica went to grab the water bottle out of Isaak's hands because I called his name first. I snapped at Mica and Mica started crying for the second time tonight. Then we talked.

We came home and I told Isaak to go potty. Isaak was refusing and Mica started being bossy with Isaak. I told Mica that he is not Isaak's parent. Mica said, "I'm practicing to be a parent Mommy! I have to! I am getting adult teeth and need to practice being an adult!" It was kind of funny, but not. I'm saving that conversation for tomorrow.

He's Really Into His Underwear

So the first time we bought Mica underwear {which he could remember} he said to the Walmart greet person, "We're here because my butt is getting big." When in fact he has a peanut butt for his size. I had told him that just because it was funny. Except I followed up with, "Mica you have a peanut butt. Mommy was just joking."

Last week we go again to get underwear. This time he's super excited to pick out his own. He would not put them in the cart. He held them the whole time. Then when we got home, I pull them out of the package for him to put them away. Instead he tried them all on. I kept hearing things like, "WOW these are cool!" "Oh my I love these underwear!" and "I'm so happy you got these for me Mom!" 

Santa should have put some new undies in his stocking.

Yesterday when he was getting dressed Mica said, "I know I have to take my underwear off because I need to change them, but I wish I didn't have to. The colors and design on these underwear are so cool Mom!"

My six year old son is obsessed with underwear.

Daddy had to tell him, "Now don't go telling all your classmates about your new underwear and don't show them your underwear!"

When they enter school you have to watch out for all the crazy things they at home blurt out. He's innocent and excited. At school it might seem perverted and weird.

Betty Lukens Learning Fun with Felt

I could see Mica and Isaak getting into these felt boards:

Yes, the Thanksgiving one would be a hit any time of year for my kids.
Mica at one time wanted to be a prince.

I could see these sets being great for Grandma and Grandpa Apel's house. That is a time when we travel and need something quite to do. It would be great for programs, or church.

Betty Lukens has many options of felt boards. Natural Mama is giving one away - winners choice.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines Day started on Monday for us.

Isaak has preschool on Monday and not on Tuesday. His party must of been really fun. He came home and wouldn't stop talking. He was so excited to have a bag with his name on it. I really don't think he even thought about what was in the bag.

I came home and a package was on our bed. I had won a Valentines package from Mommy to the Max, so I let the boys open it. They were SO EXCITED!

Mica insisted on wearing his All You Need is Love t-shirt from Ragaboo for Valentines Day. He thinks his teacher liked it because she gave him a huge hug when he walked in the door.

I bought treats for him to take to school. I'm sure Daddy's hands were full!

Mica's Valentine bag is full. It's like Halloween all over again. Mica made me 3 Valentines cards. He loved looking though all his Valentines! One little girl made the mistake we did and wrote all the names on her Valentines. She wrote Mica's name correctly, and her Dad added an "h" on the end. That's how it is typically spelled. Mica was sure to tell us that story a few times over. I told him, "Honey your name, Isaak's name and Mommy's {Alissa} name are for sure going to be misspelled sometimes. We're artsy and like different spellings. That's fine, but don't expect people to spell it right all the time.

Valentines Day was pretty low key at our house. We didn't go out to dinner, or watch a movie. Daddy bought me a Wilton Heart pan. I bought all the boys, including Daddy a candy heart box. They were left in their spots on the table. The boys got cards and gift certificates to Build a Bear from Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs.

After dinner we went to Barnes and Noble. It's the first time I've been to a book store since Borders closed. Borders was always my first choice. We picked out chapter books. Daddy's been reading the boys The Wizard of Oz and they've enjoyed it. We got Treasure Island and Swiss Family Robinson. Huckleberry Finn and a few others were in our hands. We let the boys choose. Isaak seem uninterested in choosing, so I sat down and read him a shorter book called I Need My Monster. It depicted monsters as being friendly, not scary. The illustrations were so cool.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WW - Rub-a-Dub-Dub it's Two Apel Boys in the Tub {Linky}

The boys rarely take a bath together anymore. They just fight and splash too much. It's easier to give one kid a bath at a time. Mica pretty much takes care of himself. I just make sure the soap is all out of his hair.

I found our spa mat in the closet. It's been a long time since we've used it. Both boys got in the tub and loved bath time! Spa mat + Bath tub = A lot of bubbles and Two very happy boys!

Here's Ducky Isaak and Froggy Mica.

If you have a moment enter my low entry giveaway for your choice of a Glee Gum Candy Kit - A Rafflecopter Giveaway.

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The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's

Monday, February 13, 2012


I found out tonight that Isaak moved up in swim lessons, while Mica stayed put. I wanted to shout out, "Good job Isaak!" but I didn't because Mica was right there. Mica's done a good to. He just fears back floating on his own. I'd much rather have him stay put if that's were they think he needs to be.

Great and Not so Great


Cousin Emerson got home on Saturday. He was in the hospital since February 2. He had jaw surgery and a herniated diaphragm fixed. He went home without O2, free of the ventilator and no NG tube. He was happy to see his brothers once again. Now he's a silent sleeper, which makes Aunt Terra nervous. Nervous because she can't hear him breathing. She'll get used to it. I'm glad that he can breathe clear.

On the 28th, I signed my boys and their cousins Evan and Elijah up for a Super Hero Party at the Y. They are going to spend the night that night. I thought that would be fun.

Not so Great

Great Grandma Kent that has Alzheimer's disease is getting worse. She now forgets to eat. It's sad to see/hear about someone going downhill that once was on top of it all. She used to make us home cooked meals, she had cookies in the cookie jar, played card games with us and took us garage sale shopping.

Grandpa Spiehs is having Atrial Fibrillation/Pulmonary Vein Ablation Procedure. It's a 3 to 4 hour procedure. He's had fibrillation issues for a long time. The meds he's taking are not working as they should and the side effects are horrible. I'm hoping this surgery helps him!

Part of Saturday and Some of Sunday I Was Singing

I was singing Whitney Houston songs. Am I surprised that she passed away? Nope. I just really liked her voice, her beauty and her songs bring back memories. I roller skated to many of her first songs. Body Guard came out when I was in high school.

Mica: "What are you singing Mommy?"
Me: "Whitney Houston."
Mica: "Who's that?"
Me: "A singer."
Mica: "Ok." With a funny look on his face because I was singing away.

I wasn't the only one. Daddy was singing, I'm Every Woman. When we first got married we sang that song a lot. I sang it to get it in Daddy's head. It became a joke. Mica truly thought we were crazy. We probably are.

Before bedtime we watched a few Whitney Houston videos on YouTube. Mica didn't think we were so crazy then. Mica did ask why she was so important? We told him the truth. He had trouble understanding how she could be on screen and be passed. He didn't say anything like that when Michael Jackson passed away. He just watched his videos in amazement. He did ask why Michael Jackson looked like a girl?

These lyrics are stuck in my head:

I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadow
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

She both succeeded and failed. Still, no one can take away her dignity.

In an interview with Barbra Walters, she was asked about drugs. She said her greatest enemy is herself. She never once tried to blame her problems on anyone, but herself.

We didn't fully end the night in such a somber mood. I showed Mica and Isaak some Sumo Wrestling. We had a good laugh. I had to show them real sumo wrestlers since I had them in training last week. Then Daddy wanted to watch a Bruce Lee segment. The boys think they are Kung Fu masters. Any martial art is Kung Fu in their minds.