Friday, January 4, 2013

In China...

Mica had a friend over and each kid kept getting left out at different times. Daddy had to explain the concept of what a third wheel is. I had to explain what it is like to have a younger sibling. My friends always wanted to play with my little sister AKA Aunt Terra.

See this game:
Spiderman Fishing Game
This was one of Isaak's favorite things he got for Christmas. I don't always get why Isaak likes the things he does. the plastic babies he's played with since he was 2 years old. Anyway he was super stoked about his new Spider-Man fishing game that he got from Aunt Angela. Somehow I knew he would be.

Mica's friend wanted to play this game with Isaak. They had total disregard that Mica didn't want to play. 

The boys started playing with Nerf guns when the game was being set up. The game just sat. No one wanted to play it anymore.

Isaak said, "I don't want this game anymore." This is totally untrue. He may not of wanted it at that moment in time. 

Mica's friend said, "Well give it to someone that does want it. How about you give it to a child that didn't get ANYTHING for Christmas?" 

I was thinking, I like where this is going.

Isaak looked at Mica's friend in question and said, "Who?"

Mica's friend said, "I know the perfect place to send it! You can send it to China! They don't get Christmas at all!"

I think that game was made in China. They sent it to us, so we could play with it.

For the record Isaak's been playing with the Spider-Man fishing game once again.


  1. I love the way kids think sometimes. That is a super cute story!

  2. That's like my kids telling me they were bored Christmas night lol.

    Kids are so funny like that. My kids will also decide to put toys in the yard sale pile. 6 months later when they see them again out in the front yard- whoah! they want them back because they totally missed those toys.

  3. Wonder if he'll think twice before he doesn't want something again? ;-)

  4. Hahahahahaah! I find this story so hilarious! Kids seriously have the best conversations. :)

  5. love that the kid spoke up and said something....
    shows they do listen from time to time....
    glad to see the game being played, Broxton is into "fishing" now too

  6. LOL.... Leave it to Mica!! He comes out with the best things.

    I can remember my mother telling me that kids in Third world countries didn't get a lot of food and that is why I should clean my plate.

  7. I remember those plastic babies Isaak likes. Every once in awhile, I see them in a post you do.

  8. I think all kids are the same. They don't want something untill they think someone else might want it.

  9. Cute story, A! Yep, kids are like that - they didn't want something until someone else wanted it!


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