Sunday, January 27, 2013


Mica has been reading Captain Underpants.

He got through the series of Captain Underpants books I ordered through Scholastic. I decided to venture out to Target to get a few Magic Tree House books I've been hearing about. They did a segment on Nightline about how much kids love them. We settled on a series of 4. Then I got Isaak a Superman book.

Through some of our Target trip Mica read Isaak the Superman book.

It was hard pushing the cart. I'm certainly NOT complaining. I was happy that they were interested in reading.

In the car Mica started reading the first Magic Tree House books. He got through that pretty fast, too fast. Now it's 3:30 and he finished all 4 of them. They are chapter books. My little first grader is a book worm!

Now if only we could get him this excited and into math. Subtraction isn't his forte.


  1. My kids were lightning fast with books too. It's a wonderful thing.

    I'm like your boys with math. UGH!

  2. My oldest likes those Captain Underpants books. I hate them, though. They are filled with obnoxiousness and they were encouraging him to act fresh.

  3. I had a Captain Underpants fan!

    They look cute in the cart, and it's awesome that they love reading. :)

  4. I have always hated math and always will!

  5. At 3, my grandson has more books than he knows what to do with!!

  6. We have a bunch of the magic treehouse books, but haven't tried captain underpants. Right now Pierce is into the Humphrey books, which is about a hamster that is the classroom pet.

  7. I used to work in a bookstore and yes, those magic tree house books sure are popular! I remember Goosebumps being another popular series as well, but I think they might veer a little on the scary side.

  8. My son always loved Captain Underpants. I was just happy that he was reading something! We still saved the collection even though he is older now.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  9. love that!!! just hope Broxton continues to love books too


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