Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Robot Love

Isaak was really excited about this robot t-shirt. I bought it for Valentines day at Gymboree. The robot's chest opens up and says, "4u".

I ordered Mica his shirt online in the store. If you order online, while in their store, they don't charge you shipping and handling. The one I ordered for Mica, doesn't open up, but it's still cute. When they get older their clothes just are not as neat/cute.

Valentine Robot Tee


  1. Very cute Valentines Shirt. It is not easy to find one for boys, but I do like that it opens like that with the message!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  2. Adorable! No wonder he likes it. =)

  3. Dang - now I NEED to get my butt to the mall to get one of these for my little man!! It's awesome!

  4. Those are cute. I really like Gymboree clothes, they're nice and sturdy but still cute too.


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