Friday, February 1, 2013

My Nephew Got Clark Kent Glasses

The boy's Cousin Emerson got Clark Kent Glasses.

Mica said, "Now all he needs is a cape Mom!"

Emerson can now see. I guess he's been looking all over today. :)

I loved seeing little Emerson in this sweater! It used to be Isaak's. See:


  1. Oh my word, he's the cutest little buddy!

  2. That sweater is cute! I love when the cousins where what used to be my son's clothes too. :) Your nephew looks great in his new specs!

  3. Super adorable and stylish! Glad he can check out what's around him now, woohooo!

  4. Emerson looks adorable in those glasses. Give him a hug for me, A!

  5. our miracle boy! what a treasure this kid is!

  6. I don't think there is anything cuter than little ones wearing glasses. My niece got them when she turned 2 and it was just too adorable!

    I also think it's fun to see the hand me downs my kids have outgrown on their cousins. Some items I am so sad to see my kids outgrow, but love seeing them get used by others in the family.


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