Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. 

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

The artist I'm covering this week is Alison Balsom. I'm going to share a little bit about Alison.

I have a surprise at the end of this post. 

She was born in the UK. Alison first started out in acting. Later she went on to become the valedictorian of her high school. Then she earned a Bachelor's degree from Princeton and a Master's from Trinity College in Ireland. She later joined a group as a folk singer and singer-songwriter having released her first alt-rock/country album, 'FIRST.' She was a part of the group Alison and Stone. Now she is known for playing the trumpet in classical music. She plays concerts all the time.

Learn more about what Alison is up to now here. She has many classical CDs out.

Are you ready for the surprise?

Here is Alison Balsom as a child:

Does she look familiar? She played Nancy Olseon on Little House on the Prairie. Her character on the show was not very nice, but she seems like a sweet heart in real life. It was an odd find; that I didn't expect. Her name on the show was spelled Allison, but on her CDs now it's spelled Alison. I know it's the same person I watched interviews where she talked about what she did then and what she's doing now.

If you want to see more about where stars are now on Little House on the Prairie check out my post here.


  1. Hmmmm she is a Jackie of all trades. I had no idea she could play the trumpet.... and she plays well

  2. They made Nellie Olsen out to be such a little witch but Alison looks to be such a sweetie.

  3. Oh how funny! I think I told you the other day that I didn't really like that show, but I definitely remember her character. I like the sound of her music, though.

  4. I never would have recognized her at all and yes, she was a horrible brat on that show!

  5. You have got me wanting to watch Little House lately! I may have to put that on my Blockbuster by Mail queue.

  6. She's awesome and she looks so young!

  7. She's awesome and she looks so young!


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