Thursday, February 7, 2013

Yesterday Isaak Went to the Symphony

Isaak and Cousin Elijah's preschool field trip was forgotten yesterday. Not just by me, but by Terra and my parents to. Bad me! They showed up at preschool, and there was no one there.

After going in and talking to the church secretary, they remembered about the symphony.

Grandma and Grandpa took the preschoolers to get a doughnut at Krispy Kreme. The boys loved seeing the doughnuts on the track.  

Then they were off to see the symphony for preschool.

Once it was all done Elijah said, "That was cool!" Isaak said, "That was so long and sweaty!" 

Kids sure do crack me up!



  1. Lol, I'm going to have to go with Elijah's opinion on that one. :)

  2. They really do make the funniest comments!

  3. at least they had fun, one way or another! :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  4. Good thing you have this blog to keep track of all the funny things they say.

  5. Good thing you have this blog to keep track of all the funny things they say.

  6. Good thing you have this blog to keep track of all the funny things they say.

  7. GASP - I LOVE Krispy Kreme. All the ones around here closed, though. They just couldn't compete with Dunkin Donuts.

    I would have said the same thing about the symphony LOL. I think something like that would be boring for kids that young. I remember going to see the Nutcracker when I was in 6th grade on a field trip and half the class fell asleep.

  8. I bet a symphony does seem long and sweaty to a kid!

  9. Allison tried getting me to chaperone on their symphony trip. I've volunteered for almost every one since she started school, but I just couldn't do the symphony. I agree with Isaak on that!

  10. Hahahaha... I can remember when Mica was the one saying the funny things. Now it is Issaks turn.

  11. Your kids are too cute! They say the darndest things!!!


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