Friday, March 15, 2013

Feeling Lucky?

Isaak over the phone: Mom I'm so lucky!
Me: Why are you so lucky?
Isaak: Well I'm lucky that you made cupcakes with me for my preschool, I'm lucky that I got a cupcake last night and one today, and I'm lucky that I got to keep two lucky clovers from the cupcakes! I'm just a lucky boy!
Me: Isaak I'm glad you are having a good day! Mom's going to go back to work now. You just keep on being lucky, ok?
Isaak: Ok Mom. I love you! Bye."


  1. Too adorable. I think one of the best signs that I have not totally failed as a Mom is that my two teen boys will still let me hug them in public!

  2. So cute, how nice to have a happy child!

  3. And you were lucky to get a sweet phone call like that out of the blue. :)

  4. You are lucky to be blessed with such a sweetie!


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