Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Snowy May Day

This is what May Day brought to us:

Can you see the pink Magnolia petal?

 Flowers and newly mowed grass are peaking out of the snow.

I find it almost comical that the flowers are mixed in with the snow. It happens. Nebraska often gets snow in the early parts of April, but with May we're usually in the clear.

This snow is pretty historic in the stretch of where the snow has fallen. We live in Omaha, so we didn't get that much. Other parts got 6-12 inches! There was car accident after car accident on the news. It was rain, sleet and then a wet snow. I imagine the streets were pretty slick. It's supposed to snow again today. If you live in one of the areas that got more snow than we did, I hope you are safe.

Did you ever celebrate May Day? 

When I ask some people around here they look at me like, "What in the hell is she talking about?" When I was a kid we would get paper cups and fill them with popcorn and candy. Then we'd leave them on someone's porch, ring the doorbell and run. If you do this for the opposite sex, they are supposed to chase you and try and kiss you. I never left one for the opposite sex. Daddy says it's a communist holiday. I've never read anything about that.

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  1. NOOOOOOOOOO...... I don't even want to see that!!!! I am so sick of that crap that I could scream. I am hoping we don't get any of that.

  2. I don't know any of the May Day history either. I remember reading about the May Pole in school, but I can't remember a thing about it today.

    It went from snow/cold to HOT here. I think Spring forgot to stay. I hope not. But it's better than snow. ;)

  3. That is the ugliest sight on the 1st of May! Snow should be long gone by now!

    I think our weather is along the lines of Rosey's. It was super cold, the BAM- this week we are sweating and thinking about turning the air on. The warm weather just skipped right over us.

    I've never heard of that May Day tradition. Sounds like fun leaving little presents on someones door :)

  4. The beginning of May was celebrated, for different reasons, by both the ancient Greeks and the ancient Celts so I rather doubt that May Day was a communist holiday. Since the Celtic influence reached the Danube and beyond I suspect the communists may have 'borrowed' a holiday which was already celebrated in that area and turned it to their own purposes; not unusual.

    Outwith that, I'm glad you had a moderate snowfall in your area and the pictures are beautifully surprising; here's hoping you get warmer weather soon!

  5. I am so glad we are done with snow! I am tired of it this year.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  6. I'd cry. It's happened here in MA before, but not for many years.

  7. ha ha ha...
    i have never celebrated may day before... it has rained her all weekend.. like nasty... hope yall are safe


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