Friday, May 17, 2013

Preschool Graduation 2

If you missed Isaak's first preschool graduation, you can read about it here. He had two because he went to two preschools. The best picture I'm saving for my next WW. You'll need to come back to see that one.

When we got to the church Isaak said, "Why are we here?" I told him that we were there for his graduation.

He wasn't too happy about it. I'm not sure if he was sad he wasn't going to see his teachers any more, upset that he wouldn't go to school with his cousin Elijah any longer, or confused because we were at a different church than his preschool is held at {they have sister churches}.

It lasted most of the evening. There are multiple preschools put into one ceremony. I think Isaak was happy once he knew he didn't have to stand in front of a crowd.


  1. Cute Alissa, but he is holding his legs like he has to pee....

  2. He's so cute. I think they practice and practice and practice for the graduation, but a lot of the kids don't really understand what it actually means until all of the sudden it's done and then boom - no more comfortable school and familiar teachers.

  3. You called this one...saying they'd sure look cute graduating even if there were other reservations for having a ceremony. You were right. He looks really cute. :)

  4. how cute... although for 2 hours, i am not sure i would have enjoyed it

  5. Awww, that's such a cute pic! I love the block letters he is next too! Our schools never have anything crafty like that for the kids to pose next to!


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