Sunday, May 26, 2013


We went to Wendy's to eat dinner. Isaak swore Wendy worked there, and owned the place. I told him that she did in fact exist, but didn't work there, or own the place.

Then Isaak said, "What does exist mean?"

I said, "It means she's a real person, but doesn't work here, and doesn't own the place."

He didn't believe me, so I told Mica and Isaak to go ask one of the workers.

They walked up to a guy and hesitated. Then came back to sit down.

Isaak said, "I told Mica to ask." Mica said, "You were the one with the questions."

On the way out I asked one of the workers about Wendy. He of course didn't know too much, but assured me that she does not work there. The boys were like, "What did he say?" I told them.

On our way home Mica said, "I think Dairy Queen is married to Burger King."


  1. LOL! I love the statement "I think Dairy Queen is married to Burger King." Have a great week Alissa.

  2. Oh my gosh Alissa, Mica is such a Hoot. Dairy Queen is married to Burger King. Where do they come up with those things.

  3. LOL at the Dairy Queen comment!!

  4. Hehehe! I never thought of Dairy Queen being married to Burger King. They rule well together :)

  5. Hahaha - that is so cute! Diary Queen and Burger King hooking up ;)


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