Friday, June 21, 2013

Fort Robinson State Park

We decided to venture out to Fort Robinson State Park (still in Nebraska).

We didn't know they had a pow-wow going on. That was pretty cool to watch. To be honest I could have stayed at the pow-wow longer. I just love their costumes!

We decided to make one of our big things be a jeep ride up Fort Robinson. It was windy, but so pretty and fun.

It was very fitting that the boys wore their Hank Player Blah...Blah...Blah shirts. They would not stop talking. You can tell that they were super excited for their jeep ride!

I don't think any of us were expecting it to be so windy!

The clouds were so puffy. They reminded me of cotton candy, only white.

There must of been a forest fire in this spot. Black tree trunks were down on the ground.

Up, up, up we went. The further up the jeep drove the less grass there was. If you looked out into the distance there was plenty of green to be seen.

 Yet another tree down.

I like this photo because it really shows good foreground and background.

Foreground, middle ground and background.

 This is when I wish I had a wide angle lens!

 At the top we were. Man was it windy. The boys were trying to hold each other up.

 Just a tree at the top.

Back down at the bottom we went for a walk and saw mules carrying a wagon. I'm used to seeing horses, but not mules.

What's you favorite state park that you've been to?


  1. Aren't those Pow Wow's so cool. My BFF in 5th grade was an Indian and she would take me along to a lot of her Indian dances. The custom is just so beautiful!

  2. You are brave to do the jeep ride! I thought it would freak me out so we rode horses when I was there.

  3. we went to an Indian show once... the costumes were awesome... i keep saying i want to go again..
    hopefully soon.
    great photos :)

  4. Those clouds remind me of the simpsons LOL. What a gorgeous place. Did you get to ride in the horse drawn carriage?

  5. What colorful outfits they have for their pow wow... Wow! I would have enjoyed that.


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