Sunday, June 30, 2013

Little Tadpoles

The little tadpoles we got are starting to get legs.

We have 7, or so. I told the boys that I think they should all be named girls names, since I'm out numbered.

I started rattling off names. Mica kept saying, "No not that one." So far they are nameless. Then I was thinking that maybe they could be named character names instead of girl names. What would you name them?


  1. Ooo I'm terrible at choosing just one name haha. It's so bad my girl has 4 official names in her BC, not including her last name :p

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  2. Super Hero characters...Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy, haha. All girls of course. ;)

  3. I agree with the character names! And I'll second Rosey and chose all girl names too- Baby Miss Piggy maybe? lol

  4. ha ha ha
    how fun...
    so, what names did you come up with?!


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