Monday, June 17, 2013

Out to Dinner With the Apels

On Fathers Day we went out to dinner to The Olive Garden.

Isaak usually sits with me; Mica usually sits with Daddy. I think it's because I can put up with more of the kid wiggles than Daddy can.

Isaak wanted to play Tick Tack Toe with me. I refused after I blocked him, and he marked over my block, and said, "I won."

The boys ate a bread stick and salad well.

When Isaak's meal came, he poked his finger in a grape. I said, "Isaak you are going to give your grape some bad cells!" He had a worried look on his face and said, "Will I get sick?" I said, "It could turn into a serious infection." He looked more worried. Mica was over on the other side of the table giggling.

When Isaak didn't finish his meal I said, "Oh no! The reason you are full is because you ate a bread stick. You are pregnant with a bread stick!" Daddy said, "He has a yeast infection." - Daddy can be funny sometimes. ;)

When the waiter stopped by Daddy said all serious, "Sir there is a mysterious noodle in my dish." Sure enough there was a flat noodle with his round spaghetti type noodles. The waiter went from looking like he had a problem to solve, into laughter.

As we left I told Isaak, "Watch out for that lion on the wall! He looks like he wants to eat you!" The receptionist giggled.

In the car I told the boys that next time we go there, they should ask the waiter where their Olive Garden is at. Mica thinks the staff should dress up like olives. I thought that might be over kill. People would think they would look like grapes on a Fruit of the Loom packaging. Mica said, "What is Fruit of the Loom?" I never did answer that one.


  1. Hahahahha... Fruit of the Loom!! You are probably right. It would be hard to tell an olive from a grape

  2. I am glad you all had a fun time out celebrating Father's Day Alissa. Have a great Monday.

  3. Sounds like a lovely Father's Day! Our Olive Garden is super busy here all the time, so we don't go there often, though we love the food. Do you know that the breadsticks Olive Garden uses are the exact same as Fazoli's? My friend used to work at Fazoli's and would sent Olive Garden cases of the breadstick when they ran out.

  4. sounds like yall had a great time...
    it is hit or miss with us when we go out to eat... i can take playing for a bit... but when they get loud, it bothers me, as in I do not want others to have their meal interrupted

  5. I'd totally eat there if the staff dressed up like olives. My boys would get a huge kick out of it.

  6. LOL, it's funny that your older son is getting the joke now. Pretty soon he might prank you and dad...and you guys so deserve it. ;) :)

    You all sound fun.


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