Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer School

A few weeks ago I was told that I had no summer classes to teach! YAY! It's been years since that has happened.

Then a week ago I was told I had to help someone out with their summer course. With vacations I understand. I'm still not clear as to what helping her means exactly. On Friday she still didn't have things ready at all.

I was told I might need to teach an additional summer course for someone that didn't have a high enough GPA to graduate. The clarity on teaching this additional course didn't happen until this last Thursday morning. I had to ask when it was. Yep I had two days to prepare for a whole course. Granted I have taught it many years now, but every date needed to be changed on every handout. Everything is days instead of weeks. During the school year we have our classes once a week. Now we have the class daily. I wanted to make sure everything was clear.

I to am leaving to go somewhere during this class. I met with the lady who is covering for me on Thursday and Friday.

I had everything ready on Friday. So I thought. Then last night I remembered I forgot to print out the image he has to paint from. I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach issues. This morning was only worse. We are down to one car. I made the call to just come into work. After all I'd just be sitting around all day with one student. Now my stomach hurts, and I feel light headed from not eating much.

Get this I still haven't heard from the lady I'm supposed to cover for. I'm shaking my head.


  1. That sounds like a rough day. Ugh. Hope it all comes together!

  2. Too many uncertainties and unknowns!!!

  3. I am shaking my head right with you.

  4. The unknown is always hard! Hope you feel better

  5. Wow! Sounds like you need a little vacation! It stinks when you have to depend on someone else to get the job done, but they wait until the last second! It's stressful! Hope you are feeling better soon :)

  6. I hate last minute stuff... it really bugs me. hope you are feeling better now ;)

  7. hope you are feeling better... and that things get on track. i can not STAND last minute stuff...

  8. Oh now - sounds like a crappy day. I hope you feel better and things work out with this summer course.

  9. Sounds stressful. Hope it clears up and works out for you.

  10. It's stressful when people don't do their part. Hang in there, it'll be okay soon.


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