Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Aksarben Village

I took the kids to Aksarben Village. I so wanted to stop in and see my parents, since they've been out of town and live right by there.

But with me being all stuffed up, I want to stay away from people if I can.

In Aksarben Village they have a movie theater, Jones Bros. Cupcakes (which was on Cupcake Wars, other stores, a playground and a splash park.

The boys opted to go to the playground first. Then they wouldn't get all sandy.

For some odd reason both of them went to the swings almost right away. My boys have never been into swinging.

Mica: "Mom don't push Isaak! He needs to learn how to pump his legs like I do!"
Me: "Mica you just learned how to pump your legs last year." 
*Ya nether of my boys were into swinging or riding bikes anytime soon in their childhood.

As far as the splash park went, both boys were like, "That's it? Really we went all the way here for this?" 

It has splash fountains that go in a circle. They soon understood that it is in fact fun.

It was the most fun watching Isaak. Mica moved around too much for me to take his picture.

I asked Isaak if he was playing Twister in the water? He knows the game.

They both ended up having fun. They played tag around the wall that was covered by these sprayers. I stayed back a bit and just enjoyed snapping photos.


  1. I would havw probably spend the entire time eating the cupcakes LOL

  2. I would have been right in the fountain with the boys!

  3. I would have gone for a cupcake first ;)

    Looks like a fun place - glad your boys got to enjoy some time there.

  4. That is a cute video, you can tell they had a good time. :)

  5. I think the older the kids get, the less thrilled they are with the splash pads. I had a hard time getting Allison to go to one this summer, and just forget about even asking Mariah! lol

  6. Oh to be young again and play like that! Your parents are probably happy you didn't share your germs but sad they didn't get to see you.

  7. that looks like fun. you know, everything around here is always so packed, it is hard (at times) to enjoy things..


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