Monday, September 2, 2013


One of Mica's friends/best friends moved 2 hours away this summer. Mica has Skyped with him a few times.

On Sunday his Mom sent me a message on Facebook asking if they could come over and take Mica out for ice cream. I of course said, "YES!"

I left it hush, hush until the time she said.

They brought him a belated birthday gift. They are way too nice! Mica got a book, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mask set and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt. Like I said they are way too nice.

They took the boys to play at the school playground, and to eat ice cream.

Mica's best friend's Mom took this photo. I just blurred out his face for privacy purposes.

They moved away because his Dad had an internship opportunity that was too good to pass up.

I hope he moves back here once the internship is over!


  1. At least he didn't move all the way across country and can still see him on occasion. How nice that they were able to get together :)

  2. That's great that they are still keeping in touch! Allison lost a few friends when they moved last year. They tried to keep in contact with phone calls, but eventually those just stopped. Hope they boys keep it up!

  3. aWWW... What a sweet friend and the mother seems super nice too. That is great Alissa

  4. Awesome that they came to visit!! I bet it was a great surprise. :)

  5. What a great gift for your son!!

  6. that is AWESOME that they came to see him (and bring a gift) when they were there.. I know that meant the world to him


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