Thursday, September 5, 2013

Funny of the Day

I've been trying to give Isaak more direction in doing thing. He's the type of kid that either destroys things to make things, or says, "I'm bored!"

I now have a drawer in our coffee table that is a collection of activity books. In the past he's never wanted to do these. One night he picked a sticker book that had math problems with them. He enjoyed it, but must have gotten bored in between.

I found about 5 pencils with small water balloons attached to them.

All I could think of is, "He's practicing for the future." One thing is for sure, that pencil is staying safe.

It gave me a good laugh!


  1. Bwahahaha! I guess no little baby pencils will be running around writing on the walls any time soon, huh?

  2. hahahahaha... now we know where your mind is.

  3. ha ha ha... that cracks me up each time i see it


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