Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. 

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

Have you every heard of Bad Books? I saw that one of my friends on Spotify was listening to them. I decided to check them out. They are an American Indie Rock band that started in 2010. Kevin Devine and members of another band called Manchester Orchestra along with a drummer Benjamin Homola got together to form the band.

Friendly Advice

I couldn't find a video on the next song, but I love it, so I had to share.

Check out their blog.
Like Bad Books on Facebook.
Follow Bad Books on Twitter.
Visit Bad Books on myspace.


  1. As usual, you introduce me to a new band every week. Thanks Alissa. I am becoming well read in the music department.

  2. They do have a nice voice. The first video was playing but quit having sound a quarter of the way through, that could just be my computer? The second one worked fine.

  3. I don't listen to much indie rock, but they sound pretty cool!

  4. Know any good country western bands? I like the old stuff, like Hank Williams, Marty Robins, Charley Pride.

  5. I bet my daughter would love them! She is getting into the Indie Rock bands a lot lately. Going to forward her the video. Thanks for sharing!


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