Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WW: Missing Tooth and Crazy Hair {Linky}

Isaak showed us his first wiggly tooth on Saturday afternoon. It was crazy because it was the first that we knew of that this tooth was wiggly. We brush his teeth most of the time, he does some of the time, so you would think we would know. He was excited, and nervous at the same time. Saturday evening he was wiggling it back and forth, and it popped out.

The only Tooth Fairy box we have says, "Mica" on it. I found a hand painted wooden box to give to him. The Tooth Fairy gave him $1.50.

Did you grow up believing in Tooth Fairy? Do you have kids that believe?

That same day we decided not to do Isaak's hair. I call his hair, "Troll Doll Hair". Usually Daddy sprays it back and combs it flat. Not on Saturday. Isaak got compliments at Costco, and at art galleries for his crazy hair.

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  1. Aww! heheh!, yeah I grew up believing in the tooth fairy up until recently :-)...j/k not that long

    Have a toothtastic week ;-)

  2. we heard but my parents never practised the tradition of leaving money under our pillow hahaha...

  3. Ha ha ha that is definitely some wild hair, but it looks great!

  4. He favors his father.

    My kids never believed in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus, that kind of thing.

  5. Very cute! Luckily the tooth will be back!:) The crazy hair is cool. Thanks for hosting.

  6. I know I'm gonna get busted one day trying to get that tooth our from under the pillow!

  7. In Spain children that they drop a tooth at night the Tooth Perez brings money under the pillow!

  8. Aww. Congrats on the tooth loss! The tooth fairy only leaves a buck sprinkled in glitter fairy dust here.

  9. What great shots. Both my sons lost teeth around Halloween so I always took a smiley "pumpkin" face picture.
    our tooth fairy just left quarters, since kids can't grasp the amount of money yet. so a couple quarters were more exciting than a $5 dollar bill.
    Faythe @GrammyMouseTails

  10. Congrats, Isaak!!! That's a big milestone!

  11. Congrats, Isaak! My little guy had his first two teeth fall out over the last few months and they have already grown in. My daughter's teeth, however, take forever to come in.

  12. When my girls were little the tooth fairy used to leave fairy dust (glitter) behind. Hubby never really enjoyed that as much as I did.

  13. aww, his hair looks cute!

    We have a tooth fairy. She sneaks in when the kids are sleeping a leaves a dollar or some change. She's not very rich but the kids love her anyway, lol

  14. Ouch!! Losing a tooth is painful from what I remember. Wait, you're saying there's no tooth fairy??

  15. Love the hairdo! A new tooth will grow soon :)

  16. It's so exciting to have those first teeth come out and then get a sweet surprise from the Tooth Fairy!

  17. Isaak sure does have some crazy hair.. LOL.. I think I remember when Mica was losing teeth too.

  18. i LOVE his hair :)
    super cute!!!!

  19. I love his crazy hair! We're still waiting on the first tooth for Gavin and he's 7!

  20. Aww bless, mine love losing teeth so they get some money,haha :)

  21. His crazy hair is totally great! Love the lost tooth too.

  22. hi there....really love the hair :D...well, in Indonesia, we don't really have this tradition but kids now that for sure..thanks to cartoons and movies :D...


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