Monday, December 16, 2013

Frosty the Snowman

This last weekend we watched Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman.

The next day Isaak wrote yet another letter. He asked me, "Is there such a thing as magic Mom?" I said, "That depends on who you ask. Magic is visual tricks." He said, "Is Santa magical?" I said, "I suppose so."

The next thing I knew he had a letter asking if Santa could make him his own Frosty the Snowman?

I said, "Isaak I don't think Santa can do that."

He said, "Sure he can. He's magical."

What should I do in this situation?

One thought is: Santa could leave a letter telling Isaak he made one, but that Frosty had to come back with him because he'd melt here. I thought he could leave some magic saw dust from the Elve's workshop.

I could Photoshop Frosty into our living room, and get it printed in a photograph.

Am I going too far in my thinking?


  1. Tough one. I think I might have said something like that Frosty can only live at the North Pole because he's made of magic snow? Ugh!

  2. 'tis the season to go above and beyond and I love your idea! :)

  3. I don't know either. My seven year old asked Santa to bring him a Wall E that is real. Sigh.

  4. I just gave my Grandson a movie about a snowman. Not sure if he has watched it yet.

  5. I love your idea's...
    Broxton watched it too...
    He has a stuffed Frosty, that we got for review from Build a Bear... He knows that Frosty can't be real here, but he has the play one and is fine with that...

  6. I like the photoshop idea. Kind of like the I caught santa idea that's been going around. Just tell them it was too hot for Frosty to stick around, so here's a pic from his visit. How fun!


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