Thursday, January 23, 2014

Back and Forth

The weather is going crazy!

Last Sunday I was out washing my car. There was a record high of 65! I asked the boys, "Who wants to help me?" They both said, "Not me, and ran inside." Daddy said, "Don't involve me I'm watching sports." I felt my eyes throw them a negative eye roll.

Monday was cold! The winds were high, and it's been that way since. We've had negative temps, and flurries.

On Friday it's supposed to get up to 50 degrees.

This weather is something else! Back and forth, back and forth.

I just wish if it's going to be cold, it would snow already! We need the moisture. It will help the farmers out to have some rain, or snow come our way.


  1. It's been like that here in KY as well. I think that's the reason everyone keeps getting sick!

  2. The weather is crazy everywhere. Lets all just go to Oz or Hawaii.

    Hope your lil ones and hubs made up to you for not helping;)

  3. Our cars started fine when it was -35 degrees, both hesitated this morning (and hubby's is brand new!). It was 12 degrees, but I guess it's a different kind of cold.

  4. We've been up and down here, too. Today it's about 5 degrees, though. Brrrr.

  5. 65!? I am so jealous! It was 2 degrees when we left the house this morning. It's too damn cold here!

  6. We've been in the negatives the last few nights and I am SO tired of it!

  7. This morning it was 11 degrees here when the sun came up. We had nice weather Sunday, too, and I was hoping these unnatural cold waves were over, but no such luck.

  8. yeah.. it has been crazy here too...
    it was like 17* one day - then like 65* a day later.. so frustrating

  9. it's been quite chilly at night recently, though nothing like yours of course haha. have a great weekend and stay warm!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  10. The weather is crazy over here too.

    Keep calm and stay warm!

  11. We're in a frozen tundra here, and I'm sick of it. The forecast hints at getting warmer, but then plummets. They've even stopped canceling school - I guess since there's no end in sight, might as well keep the kids occupied in school. This winter is by far the craziest I've experienced in years!

  12. I am great when it comes to giving a negative eye roll. LOL


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