Friday, February 28, 2014

Random Tid Bits

  1. I always wanted to have a girl. That doesn't mean I don't love my boys. I played dolls and Barbies growing up. For some reason I just thought for sure I'd have a girl to pass them down to. Our girl's name would have been Savannah Claire. When I had my first ultrasound I was surprised when she told me I was pregnant with a boy (Mica). My second pregnancy was so different from the first; I was surprised to find out I was pregnant with yet another boy (Isaak). I grew up with all sisters. Having a lot of boys in the family was certainly different.

  2. Skinny jeans look silly on our boys. Mica has a long torso, when he wears skinny jeans they just put emphasis on his skinny chicken legs. 

  3. I was at a friend's house. I told Isaak to come over to me. Then proceeded to help him with his sleep in his eyes. I've always called them, "Sleepy Seeds". It's what my Mom always referred to them as. My friend said, "That's a funny name for them. I've never heard them called that before." I thought, "Sleepy Seeds" were as common as saying, "Belly Button". 

  4. Do you call them, "Sleepy Seeds"? Or am I the only one?

  5. Do you shop during off seasons? I try and buy winter coats for the boys now. They are 70% or 80% off! I bought $140 worth of clothing a few weeks ago. I saved more than I bought. That may sound like  a lot to spend, but here's what I got: A pair of pants for me, 2 pairs of pants for Mica to wear next year/the year after, a nice jacket for Mica to wear now/Isaak to wear next year, a winter coat that came with a hat for Mica to wear now/Isaak to wear next year, a shirt for Isaak and 2 shirts for Mica.

  6. I like Mr. Rodger type sweaters on boys. I just think they are the cutest ever. 
Mica when he was in Kindergarten. I can't get Isaak to wear this sweater as much. :(


  1. sleepy seeds?
    that sounds so cute...
    lol - never in my life have i heard that term before though ;)

  2. I have never heard of sleepy seeds, but I like that name better than what we call them- eye boogers lol.

  3. I tried to wear skinny jeans once - I'm still traumatized by the sight.

  4. I think skinny jeans look a little silly on any male - adult or child. They are made for women to wear with boots, aren't they?

  5. I can see why you would always want a girl... girls you can dress up in such cute clothing. Not that the boys don't dress cute, but you know what I mean.


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