Monday, February 3, 2014


I feel like I've been slacking in the blogging world lately. I still post way more often than some, but less than I used to.

This semester is going to be a busy one. I have Portfolio class. In all my other classes I have a helper, but not in this class. It's the busiest class, and I have no assistant. Luckily the class as a whole is better than last years class. It's still a lot of work.

Home projects seem to take over my life when I'm at home. This summer it was the kitchen floor, and the outside of the house that needed to be painted. Then it was the bathroom toilet, the floor, and the molding. Then we dismantled all of our DVDs.


We put them in a binder, which takes up a lot less room, and looks nicer.

Soon I'll be starting the steps. We peeled off the carpet as soon as we moved into our house. The previous owners had pets, and many of them. 

Here's what I plan on doing with the steps:

I have a hodge podge of ideas. Some of them I've found on Pinterest, and some of them are my own ideas. I can't decide if I want to use my own ideas, or mix up the ideas.

My Idea number 1: My parents wanted to get rid of old encyclopedias. They actually came from a school library years ago, and say, "Burn" on them. The Good Will wouldn't take them. The recycle place only want the pages; not the covers. My Dad was in the process of breaking them down. He was going to burn the covers and recycle the pages. I said, "I'll take them!" I thought I could cut them length and height wise to cover the backs of the steps. I know there won't be enough to do the whole job. I guess since I'm cutting them I could use the pages to. I'd have to dip them in resin, or something though.

Pinterest idea number 2: Old rulers, or yard sticks on the backs of steps are cool! I'd probably go up and down with them vertically; instead of horizontally. I thought a mix of the encyclopedias and rulers would look pretty cool. The problem is finding rulers that don't have words on them. Companies love to put Lowes, and Home Depot on their yard sticks. I want no additional words on them. Why do companies have to slather their brand name on stuff all the time? Ok I know why, but I don't want it there.

Pinterest idea number 3: If I can't find the rulers, or yard sticks I want, patterns would fit with encyclopedias well. It would just take a freaking long time!

Pinterest idea number 4: If the patterns are too overwhelming I could go with solid colors.

No Source Found. If you know who did this let me know, so I can source it!
What combination do you like? I'm for sure using the encyclopedias. What do you like with them?


  1. I DEFINITELY like the yardstick idea with the encyclopedias! What a fun idea, and I bet it's going to turn out great whatever you decide.

    I like those buckets on the bottom of your easel. Where do I find those? I'd like two or three for my son's too. :)

  2. I have been lacking in blog world too. I just haven't had time to get around to all the blogs I used to get to.

  3. LOL, I forgot about encyclopedias. My oldest asked me the other day how I got information for school because I was telling there was no such thing as the internet when I was a kid. I told him that I actually had to go to the library & not for fun like he does.

    I love the encyclopedia idea!

  4. I LOVE the yard stick / encyclopedia idea too!!! Let me see the finished project ;)

  5. I love the encyclopedia idea, how cool is that!!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  6. Count me as the odd one out, but I love the different color idea! Clean, simple, but with a pop of color.


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