Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why My Kid's Will Need Therapy Someday

Crazy hair in the morning. Since these photos were taken both boys got their hairs cut.

Mica's eyes moved in that last photo. He looks like a demon child. I did not Photoshop them to look like that. Mica was laughing so hard at this own eyes.

This is why my kids will need therapy when they grow up:

Mica: "Where are we going tonight?"

Me: "To your Mom's house." 

Mica: "You are my Mom!"

Me: "Are you sure?"

Mica: Insert eye roll at my direction.


  1. Ok, Alissa, When I saw this on the Reading list, I knew this would make me laugh. I love Mica's pics every time so I clicked in and sure enough this whole post is hilarious. You are the best Mom!!! ♥

  2. Hey, you were just keeping him on his toes!!!

  3. Maybe you better not get him the magic ferret it's about being adopted.

  4. Oh his eyes do look pretty demonic. However I'm thinking all of us could probably benefit from therapy, so perhaps you're setting him up for success. ;)

  5. LOL that looks like me when I get up every morning.

  6. Look at those eyes lol. Allison would find that hilarious. She sat there and watched the Justin Beiber court video over and over again to see his reptile like eyes flicker!

  7. I love the hair pictures. My son had hair like that at his age. I wish for hair like that now, it seems I am losing more as I get older!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  8. hahaha I love your conversations with him :P

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  9. haha, I"m totally pulling that 'to your mom's house' line on my kids...both of 'em. :) Thanks. hehehe

  10. LOL That second pic of Mica is a little scary, I gotta admit!


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