Monday, April 21, 2014

Allons Danser! (Let's Dance!) CD Review

I have reviewed a DVD from Whistlefritz before. They contacted me once again to review a CD. I jumped at the chance. We listen to music a lot. I know when it comes time to take a trip this summer we'll be listening to tunes in the car.

Allons Danser! (Let's Dance!) CD is in French. There are times when I need some background noise at home. That noise keeps my kids occupied. What's really great is that they learn, while they listen!

When I was in school I had a hard time learning Spanish. I think I struggled so much because it was so dry when it was taught to me. Whistlefritz has so many fun language DVDs and CDs that make learning fun!

I was thinking the CD might be cheesy, but it's not at all. It was so it's easy to get in the groove of singing it. My kids recognized La Tête, Les Épaules, which is just like Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and Le Vieux MacDonald, which is just like Old MacDonald, and more. We all started cracking up with Le Vieux MacDonald. The animal noises were just funny to us.

About the CD:
  • There are 20 tracks.
  • All the songs are in French.
  • Some of the songs are traditional songs with a French twist, while others are new. 
  • It's $14.99, which is a great price.
  • It's newly released. It just came out this month!
  • The artists are: Marie-Louise Desage and Didier Prossaird.
Line Up of the Songs:
  1. Quand Je Serai Grand listen
  2. Bonjour Les Amis listen
  3. Un, Deux et Trois listen
  4. Le Vieux MacDonald listen
  5. La Danse des Mains listen
  6. Ma Journée listen
  7. Le Bain listen
  8. L'Heure de Ranger listen
  9. Des Jouets listen
  10. La Barbichette listen
  11. Il Pleut listen
  12. Les Doigts listen
  13. Y'a Pas de Fête Sans Gateau listen
  14. Les Enfants Quand Ils Dansent listen
  15. La Tête, Les Épaules listen
  16. Le Camion de Glace listen
  17. La Grenouille Reinette listen
  18. En Haut, En Bas listen
  19. Les Petits Poissons listen
  20. Au Revoir listen

About Whistlefritz:

A mom started in 2006 to teach her son Spanish. The best time to learn another language is when children are young. Many school do not introduce another language until children are in middle school, or high school. Their main focuses are fun and education. They have free lesson plans that you can download. I think that's so helpful. Just to let you know how helpful they've been, they've won over 50 awards. It's less expensive than other language programs.

Mica Was Inspired by the Brochure They Sent Us That He Made This:

Like Whistlefritz on Facebook.

Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review. I did get a product to help with this review. 

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  1. What a fun way to learn a new language! I think that it is crazy that we don't get introduced to learning new languages until later in life. I always thought we were so backward on that. Other countries start early. Then again, we seem to be so far behind everyone else where teaching our children come into play!

  2. My son is dyslexic, and working with foreign languages causes dyslexics problems. So, we never tried with him. My daughter can speak Japanese, my wife French and an African language called hausa. I speak Spanish. I've always felt sorry my son missed this experience but the priorities just didn't permit it.

  3. That does sound fun for a car trip. I'd totally put that one in too.

  4. French songs! how fun. I remember a few French Christmas songs from all the years of French I took.

  5. How fun. My Grandson would like this, even his little sister would get into it.


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