Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Science Project

Mica and Isaak have a Science Fair coming right up! I helped Isaak, and Daddy helped Mica.

I kind of wish Isaak picked something easier to do completely on his own. What he picked is easy, it's just that I think he may need a little help on the day of the Science Fair.

First I helped him gather the materials. 

Vinegar, Baking Soda, an Empty water or Soda Bottle, a Balloon, and 2 Funnels.

He poured vinegar 1/3 of the way full.

He prefilled up 4 of them for the day of the Science Fair. Then he can do it 4 times for the judges.

Then he used the other funnel for the dry ingredients. He filled a balloon 1/2 way with Baking Soda. 

He did 4 of these ahead of time to. I tied the balloons with twisty ties, so baking soda wouldn't fall all over the box.

Then he put the balloon on the bottle.

He will need help holding the bottle, while he puts the balloon on it.

He lifted the balloon up, and let the Baking Soda drop into the bottle. The balloon filled up with gas. 

He loved the experiment. I'm just worried about him being able to get the balloon on the bottle, and explaining it. He wrote out the materials he used, and how baking soda + vinegar = gas inside the balloon. You know how 5 year olds are though. He could do great, or panic and forget how to explain his science project.


  1. That's a neat little science experiment! I think I saw something like this on Pinterest awhile back and thought about doing it with Allison but completely forgot!

  2. I love that he came up with his own idea, though. When I was a kid, I struggled so much to come up with an idea!

  3. That's a cool experiment for him! I love that they're doing the science fair when they're so young!

  4. Nice idea. I am sure he had a blast.

  5. That was a great idea for a science project. I have done it before.

  6. that is pretty neat.
    will have to show that to broxton soon

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