Tuesday, April 1, 2014

WW: Artsy {Linky}

Mica created this image - King Tut.

Isaak is so proud of this continuing paper project. The trouble is, I have no idea where to put it. He's not finished with it yet.

I had the idea to have the boys make me a wig out of Duplos.

Mica came up with this:

Isaak came up with this:

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  1. Your boys are really creative! Have a terrific afternoon!

  2. I love Mica's King Tut image. They are very creative. Look at those hats! Great job! :)

  3. I agree they are creative that wig is brilliant LOL ;-)

  4. Wow, that king tut is amazing. He's definitley got some talent!

  5. Great wig, of sorts, very creative. Thanks for stopping by this week! Hope to see you next week

  6. They are really creative! I love seeing their creations. King Tut is really awesome!

  7. I am always in awe of how creative your boys are! Not that I should be surprised with how artsy the parents are, but still. They are mini art geniuses!

  8. They both did a great job w/their wigs. Now you've got back-up for a bad hair day. :) :)

  9. love your boys and their creativity! The paper project is sooo cool! is that King Tut?

  10. love your boys and their creativity! The paper project is sooo cool! is that King Tut?

  11. You need to frame Mica's picture. No kidding. With the colors, it would make for a great keepsake, and he'd probably be excited to see it hung on the wall in a professional looking frame.


  12. Wow! That last one is some wig! How creative.

  13. I like your wig. You'd fit right into the court scene in Han dynasty China.

  14. I need to show my boys this post! They love legos too! Very cool wigs!

  15. Aw, cool wigs! That's a great idea - how come I never came up with this?

  16. You're such a good sport to wear their creations. I love that both boys have an artistic talent and interest!

  17. Aww they are so creative, I love the last one too :)

  18. The wigs, too funny! Obviously, both boys are creative, but with their own styles. I love Mica's first picture of the Egyptian. Have a great week!

  19. Really creative!

  20. Love that drawing of King Tut! Your kids are so talented. :)

  21. His King Tut is Fabulous! I love all the color and detail.

    Your wig is also awesome.

  22. Very funny, yes, I like those Egyptian recreations!

  23. Thats looks like fun . Thanks for sharing, thanks so much for the fun party and enjoy your day and week! Wieczora (◔‿◔) | my photoblog

  24. The lego idea really worker out well!

  25. I love how you can see how TOTALLY different they are in their artwork :)

  26. It's so sad that we lose our imagination as we age. It's so wonderful having children and seeing things through their eyes :) Looks like you all had so much fun. That King Tut is awesome!

  27. You definitely have a creative family! I think all the projects are fantastic! I have tons of art in my house due to my artist daughter also!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  28. Oh Alissa, those duplos wigs are tremendous. You are a great Mom! I got tons of chuckles out of this post.

  29. I love your sons' creativity! Mica's image of King Tut wad so in depth - love the colors and the detail he put it into it! And that continuing paper project by Isaak shows he's not a quitter. How long has he been working on it?


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