Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day!

I'm not crazy about Mothers Day and Fathers Day. I've always felt like birthdays and Christmas are more than enough for gift giving. We do however celebrate the holidays.

Daddy doesn't get me anything for Mother's Day. I don't get him anything for Father's Day. We just go out to breakfast. Then Daddy or I get to choose a game to play, or movie to watch (depending on who's day it is).

I wanted chocolate pancakes this morning, but opted for a fruit cup and a cheeseless, veggie omelet. While we waited for our food we played a name game. We had to think of a name we liked for every letter of the alphabet. Letters Q, X, Y and P were the hardest. Then this evening we played Rumikub.   

When asked if the boys made anything at school for Mother's Day? Mica said, "I started to, but never finished it." I said, "That's ok. I just want to be with you anyhow."

Isaak gave this to me:

I have twin Isaak's.

It says:

scole "school"
hoges "hugs"
nise "nice"
heps "helps"
wrse "works"

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I hope you got to do at least one special, out of the ordinary thing today!


  1. We had a quiet day, which is fine with me. Glad you had a great Mother's Day!

  2. That sounds like the perfect way to celebrate!

  3. We had a pretty quiet day too actually, which is fine by me too :) The boy made breakfast though heh. Happy (belated) Mother's Day!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  4. What a sweet card! Those are always the best gifts! Happy belated Mother's Day!

  5. This sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day! And what a precious gift you got :) I think I've seen Rumikub before but I haven't played it yet.

  6. our mothers day was low key -- marc was working... so just the 2 of us went to lunch.. although we dont do gifts - I DO LOVE the homemade gifts...


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