Monday, September 29, 2014

Ghostbusters Goof

I send movies, swimming suits, and Legos with the boys when they stay and Grandma and Grandpa's house.

I came to pick them up, and find some contraption that Mica made, and some paper collage that Isaak put together. I'm not complaining. I just find it amusing.

The last time I picked up Mica he made this:

My Dad AKA Grandpa said that Mica wasn't into the juice bottle. It's all they had. He wanted something better. He wanted to paint the box black, but didn't have time to do it. He wanted the hose off his air compressor, but my Dad wouldn't give that up. Gee I wonder why? ;)

In the car ride home Mica rattled on and on about how he wanted to find some way of getting colored lights in his juice container.

We have a little creative perfectionist.



  1. At first I didn't get it, and thought he has made a flame thrower. Then I saw the picture and realized it was those things. The guy has some imagination.

  2. Don't cross the streams!!!

    I love it! Ghostbusters is one of my favorite all time movies.

  3. I think it's awesome the way it is. Boys do love modifications though (even when they get big ;) ).

  4. That really is creative! Can he just get some glow sticks from the dollar store to pop in there?

  5. Great costume! He is very creative! Mine are currently making Minecraft costumes.

  6. ha! that is great! broxton loves ghostbusters.. and has fun trying to make the ghostbusters lego (that is one set he REALLY wants for Christmas!)

  7. Such a big fan!..Mica is super cute with his creation :)

  8. Both your boys are very creative. Must come from their artistic mom.


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