Saturday, September 6, 2014

Kidecals | Labels Review

When back to school time came, and went the boys asked for labels. Mica had some I got awhile ago, but needed new ones.

Kidecals asked me to review some labels. I've heard nothing, but good about their products. They sell labels, keyboard stickers, mural stickers, and sticker frames.

I had trouble deciding which labels to get:

Mica likes Batman, so these were one option:

Mica has Superman on his backpack. Knowing Mica, he wouldn't want to mix superheros with his school stuff. I decided to get him labels that could stand for any superhero.

I love how Kidecals has a preview option. Some labels have color choices, while others do not. They have labels for girls, and boys.

There are 3 sets for the label design I chose:
  • Mega Set ($28) Includes: 24 two inch labels and 48 one inch labels = 72 labels
  • Everyday Set ($21) Includes: 12 two inch labels and 24 one inch labels = 36 labels
  • Mini Set ($21) Includes: 66 one inch labels
I went with the Mega Set. Kidecals shipped the labels out right away.

The printing turned out great!

I'm saving them for Mica's stocking at Christmas time.

What do we use labels for? 

You can use labels for so many things. Much of the kid's supplies go to the class. It's like a community supply stash. If they have too many things, they'll send stuff home to the parents. Things that are not community used are crayons, notebooks, pencil boxes, folders, lunchboxes, and Thermos'.

Like Kidecals on Facebook and Twitter.

Do you use labels? What do you use them for?

Disclosure: I am compensated for writing this post by receiving a GC to Kidecals. All opinions stated are my own. 

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  1. I use labels , each reloaded box of ammo needs a label. It has the chambering, and also a code that connects the box of ammo to an entry in my load book. That tells the powder and charge, the bullet manufacturer,weight and type, reloading manual used and page of the manual used, and any narrative entry I made while loading that batch. My labels are not as cool as your kid's labels are though. ;-)

  2. I like both. I think I would have gone with Batman because my little one is obsessed with him LOL.

  3. Oooh, I love the Batman labels. Actually, they are both pretty awesome!

  4. I like Kidecals! We've got labels we bought last year that still are holding up (even on the water bottles that get washed all of the time).

  5. I like the POW labels you picked for Mica. Perfect for a kid.

  6. My review will be coming soon...
    Really like the quality


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