Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Shouldn't Touch Anything Today

I have the case of the dropsies this morning. I know "Dropsies" isn't really a word, but it should be. It's in the Urban Dictionary after all. 

I was in a hurry like I am every morning. It doesn't matter what time I get up; I manage to find more to do no matter what. Our typical time for waking up is 6:30 AM. Even on the weekends I sadly wake up at that time now.

This particular morning I was doing dishes. I dropped a pan lid, and this happened:

Usually when this type of thing happens I drop about 3 more things. I haven't dropped anything else just yet.

I did however manage to try and do Mica and Isaak's hair, and messed up both of their mane's. I will admit it, I just have a hard time doing their hair. If it's short, and spiky I can do that. Right now they don't have long hair, but they don't have short spiky hair either. They look so nerdy when I do their hair. I bet the opposite is true when a father tries to do a daughter's hair.

I went to leave the house, looked, and looked again to back up. I saw someone backing out of their driveway down the street, but didn't see anyone else. I seriously wasn't in a rush at this time. I was being careful by looking a few times. When I went to back out I heard a honk. Then this car sped right behind me to go down the street. They must have been speeding the whole time. Daddy opened the door; trying to figure out what was wrong. I nodded to assure him that everything was fine.

Do you ever have mornings/days like this? Ones where you feel like you shouldn't touch anything.


  1. Well I hope the rest of your day got better!

  2. The dropsies is TOTALLY a thing. My kids both seem to have days like you had all the time.

  3. Totally. But mine is with driving. I ran over our recycling trash bin the other day, then proceed to drive over a huge curb. It just was not my kind of morning!

  4. Eekks glad you didn't get into an accident with that car! yes, I have days like this too and just feel like crawling back to bed :P

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  5. Hope the day went better after that...
    I have days like that too - like NOTHING will go right..

  6. I have many days like this.... Hate them. When they happen I should just go back to bed and get up on the right side.


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