Tuesday, October 14, 2014

WW: Puzzle Murals {Linky}

Every year I make 2 gigantic posters, then cut them up into pieces for my students to get 1 piece of the big image. They don't know what the image is at first. They each get two different techniques to create their images as well.

I used images from my last vacation, but edited them to make them more colorful.

Mountain Ewes on top of Pikes Peek:

I did make the bright colored triangles in Photoshop.

This one turned out bad! I was not impressed at all! The main focal point is horrible! :(

Crow in an old window in Mesa Verde. It was on their Balcony Tour:

I did not do the graffiti.

This one turned out great! I was really impressed with this one. It looks better than the original. :) How could 1 turn out so bad, and another so great?

Here's a few close-ups of my favorites:


Collage Paper

Painting on Pumice

Junk (the pink lines are cigarette butts, and the green is broken glass)

Cross-Hatching on Paper


Chalk Pastels

The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's


  1. That is a really cool idea!! You sound like a fun teacher.

  2. The graffiti one is so cool! I bet the students are going to have fun piecing it together!

  3. I think it's a fun idea to not have them know what it is until they put it together! I think the crow one turned out great.

  4. They are both super cool. Love them.

  5. Oh i love these what a fab idea ;-)

  6. Loved the second one - looks awesome! Great job! :)

  7. I know you said one didn't turn out so well.... but I think they all turned out... they are just different from each other.

  8. Oh! I LOVE the crow one... but then again, I think graffiti is so super cool!

  9. That is so amazing! Truly, a remarkable collective work of art. How old are your students?

  10. These are so cool. I love photography tricks.

  11. I should have read your About Us page a long time ago. I never clued in that you were an art teacher. Now it all makes sense!

  12. Cool shots! I love what you did with these. Have a terrific day.


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