Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chicken or Bread?

I asked begged for one of the boys to go to the mall with me last weekend. It's always easier to manage each boy when they are separated. That's not to say that they can't play together.

We hear from Mica, "Isaak get out of my room!"

Isaak comes running to me all teary eyed and says, "Mom Mica said I could play in his room, but he won't let me. I just want to play with him."

It's typical sibling behavior. I joke about having them share a room. Both boys think that sounds like a great idea. I said, "Mica then you couldn't ask Isaak to get out of your room." He said, "Oh!"

Off to the mall Isaak and I went. I had to return a few things.

We passed a sample of pretzels.

I asked Isaak if he wanted a sample? 

He said with his big eyes all wide, "Yes please."

As I handed it to him he said, "Thank you Mom." 

Isaak has better manners with saying "Please" and "Thank You" over anyone in our family.

Isaak then said, "Mom I liked the sample, but I really can't tell if it's chicken, or bread." 

I laughed, and said, "Isaak you've never had this type of pretzel before? We should make them sometime for Dad, Mica, and you of course. I know how to make them." 

He said, "I'd love that Mom."


  1. LOL, that is cute. We get those pretzels as a treat sometimes!

  2. Such beautiful manners! My kids have great manners in public, but can easily forget them at home!

  3. I love when I hear a kid with manners! Broxton loves pretzels :)

  4. sooo have wonderful boys Alissa...but kids are sooo dearly..I keep missing them while I'm working :)

  5. He's such a sweetie. I love pretzels :) look forward to you sharing your recipe!!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  6. My son loves soft pretzels at the mall. That's funny about the chicken/bread comment. :)

  7. Isaak is a real sweetheart. You must be doing something right with that boy.


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