Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday is all about me discovering something that is different. I don't want to post things that you and I have more than likely heard before. I want to find something different. It could be from another country, someone singing from the streets of NY, and more.

This week I almost ran out of time to put up this post. I watched so many videos that were just blah. I could not get into them. This one is pretty interesting visually. It's by Zoé and the song is called Arrullo De Estrellas.

Zoé is a Latin Grammy Award-winning Mexican alternative/psychedelic band.

They released their 5th album this year called Programaton.

I love the visuals in this video! 

This track has such a nice sound. I'm all for bands that can sing great live.

Check out their website.
Like their facebook page.
Follow their twitter page.


  1. I like the sound, even if I don't understand a word they are singing lol

  2. The graphics on that first video are pretty cool!

  3. They are definitely a cool sounding band!! Great find.

  4. They better be careful of where they play. A lot of bands and club goers in Acapulco are winding up "disappeared."

  5. The unplugged version is sooo brilliant .....I love it..


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