Friday, February 27, 2015

Random Tid Bits

This post is all about taking a trip back down memory lane.
  1. I had The Sunshine Family when I was little. They were, Barbie sized, and I got paper dolls of them to. My sister Terra AKA Aunt Terra and I played with them with our Barbies.

    I was envious of a family friend who's Dad built her a doll house for her Sunshine Family. The Grandpa in the set was a bit scary, maybe that's why I didn't have him.

  2. Terra had The Heart Family. They to joined our Barbie clan. I think they were only out on the market a few years, but we loved them. They were a little more wholesome than the Barbie line up. We loved the twins! She got a Valentines dress set for them one year to.

    Terra's is 5 years younger than me, but I played with her all the time. Playing with her was an excuse to stay young. I think I played with dolls and Barbies all the way up until 6th grade. 

  3. The scariest doll we had was the Ronald McDonald Doll. We loved the red whistle on that thing!

  4. One doll I always eyed, but never got was My Buddy. I don't think I ever even asked for him. He came out past my doll playing days. They had Kid Sister, which was an added coolness!

    I remember when Mica was itty bitty I said, "I need to get him a My Buddy doll. My Buddy was long since off the shelves. I wanted him to get used to having a baby around to roll play with because I was pregnant with Isaak. I ended up getting a cheap generic doll, which was fine. I still wanted a My Buddy Doll for him - or maybe for me.

  5. Whenever we took baths we played with 3 Men in a Tub and Seaweed Dolls. We looked forward to bath time. Bath time meant playtime. My boys never really got into bath toys as much as I did.

What were some lost, but not forgotten toys that you had when you where little?


  1. Great post! That takes me down memory lane too. I remember My Buddy and Kid Sister, although I didn't have one either. I didn't have a lot of toys when I was a kid. I remember playing with Barbie and I had a couple of Cabbage Patch kids. I didn't have nearly as many toys as my kids have.

  2. Teddy Ruxpin was one of my favorite toys when I was younger, than I became obsessed with Barbie.

  3. I wanted Teddy Ruxpin so bad! He was quite expensive though, and mom just couldn't afford it. I also wanted a My Buddy or a Kid Sister. Didn't get those either, but I was spoiled on Cabbage Patch Dolls!

  4. Talk about a trip down memory lane...
    I had the Heart family ones... although I didn't know that was what they were called until this post.
    My brother had a My Buddy and a Teddy Ruxpin *(guess I am dating my self here) but you better believe I had plenty of Rainbow Bright and Cabbage Patch dolls... Barbie is a given too :)

  5. I had a "King Zor", a dinosaur that shot ping pong balls at you. I had a giant F11 Tiger Navy fighter, with folding wings, and you could pull a lever and the canopy blew off, then the pilot ejected and floated down on his plastic parachute. My brothers and I had all kind of GI guns and bazookas, complete with kids plastic helmets and hand grenades. Those were the days.

  6. When I was a kid, I was ALL ABOUT little people. You know, the old ones. I had so many sets to play with them with and spent HOURS doing it.


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