Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WW: Nap Time {Linky}

My sister posted this picture. It's my nephew Emerson and my Dad (Grandpa) having a nap. I just thought it was so funny.

Later my sister posted a video of Emerson laying on the ground, and Edison his brother taking his diaper off. I guess he did it 6 times that day. He's going to be her trouble child. LOL

I'm so glad Emerson is wearing Isaak shirt. Yay for hand me downs. It was a shirt I got that was pretty small when I got it. Isaak looks so little! I think he's changed his mind about what he wants to be 10 times over again since then.

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  1. LOL your right that photo is hilarious heheh!
    Isaak looks very smart heheh!

    Have a snoozetastic week :-)

  2. Awe! I love that first photo! You gotta love it when you are so comfortable with someone you can fall asleep with them!

  3. Your Dad looks like he would have been sore when he woke up ;)

  4. That first photo is perfect, funny and caring all at once.

  5. Yay for hand me downs!! Both boys look adorable in that shirt :)

  6. Both of your kids are growing like bad weeds. Before you know it, they will be grown. Enjoy them now...

  7. I should catch some nap photos too. My daughter is always all over the place.

    I love your photos! They are just too cute.

  8. I love hand me downs as a kid as my cousin has got a cool taste!

    The first 2 photos are just funny!

  9. That's a keeper for sure!!! So sweet!

  10. Loved the first shot - what a fun capture! :)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  11. I take a nap too, most afternoons. It's an "old person" thing.

  12. Thanks for your comment. Sorry my LINKY tools wasn't working! It's working now if you'd like to link up. xx http://www.thecrumbymummy.co.uk/share-a-smile-eeeesssshhhhkkkk/

  13. I love sleeping pictures. Always makes me smile (unless it is me!)
    yes... LOVE hand-me-downs too :)

  14. That is a precious picture. Your DAD looks super comfortable but as if he'd be sore afterwards too.

    Emerson looked like he was just chilling. Edison is definitley a little stinker. One of my children was one of those. haha.

    I never had timed my children well so that they were able to get hand me downs but I always handed their clothes down to all that I could. GG outgrows her stuff fast so well kept. Many want GG's hand me downs so doing so as equally as I can is a must.

  15. love to see the nap photo...so cute :)


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