Friday, May 29, 2015


The boys love computer and DS games. Thankfully they don't ask to play them all the time. 

We take them to the library to play. They love it. It's just a bummer when there aren't any computers available.

The kid below asks Isaak to do a lot of things. That's great, but then I feel like we don't take him out enough. His parents are ok with me posting pictures. They post pictures of Isaak all the time.


  1. I think his parents are just happy that the kids spend time together - you don't have to take him out that much :)

  2. It's not about going places... it's about the fun you have whereever you are :)

  3. Allison has a friend that takes her everywhere. I sometimes feel guilty that we don't take her with us as much as they do Allison. Oh, well. They seem to really enjoy her company, so I just run with it.

  4. I didn't know the Library had games like that for the kids to play.


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